Alcohol / Drug / DUI Evaluations & Assessments COST: $200
We provide Alcohol & Drug evaluations and assessments for many different purposes and we do our best to make it as simple, convenient and affordable as possible. New technology has introduced ways of providing services to you that were not available until recently. Most departments and agencies have now added this technology and you can complete your evaluation through these methods either online and/or phone and by Video Conference. Most of these methods can be provided directly through your Smart-Phone. You may choose which method is most comfortable for you to complete your evaluation / assessment. This is also acceptable for individuals needing an evaluation for the Motor Vehicle Agency and for employment related requirements.
If an Evaluation or Assessment is required by the courts for charges of arrest or citation that may involve alcohol or drugs, you can set up an online evaluation. An evaluation is the instrument used to determine minor to problematic substance use or addiction levels, if any. It also determines the level of education or treatment, if any, that is recommended once you've had an Alcohol / Drug related issue. Right now we are offering these evaluations for a TOTAL cost of $200.00. This evaluation is not for those who drive a commercial vehicle/truck. For Commercial Drivers - D.O.T. (Dept. of Transportation)
To set up an online evaluation:
1. Register and pay above via the Buy Now button.
2. Fill out patient information and consent form.
3. Fax information to 318-704-6578 or email to 1stchoice.addiction.center@gmail.com.
4. Call 318-787-6612 to confirm payment has been received.
5. When you call in to confirm payment and your information has been received, we will be able to set your appointment. Business hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-5:00pm to set up an online face to face appointment.
6. (Generally takes about 30 to 45 min. We can help you easily set this up.)
• Your Counselor will process everything & go over any questions/concerns.
• Review & Print your Completed Evaluation to bring or submit to court or the requesting party within 24 hours after assessment